Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Introducing Me

Hello Future Blog Readers,
    I hope that you take the time to read this short introduction about me! My name is Bea, and I am a business and marketing enthusiast. I am finishing up my degree (graduation 5/5/2015) and feel I have the skills and knowledge to finally start this blog. I have been wanting to share my thoughts and knowledge with the world for so long! Why did I wait? I am not sure...but I hope that my blog inspires you to pursue your dreams and not wait until you feel you're ready. Jump in, swim to success now. It's never too early or late! I live in the gorgeous state of New Hampshire. Each day I get to wake up and look at the beautiful views that take my breath away every time. My dreams are to move more North, where the views are 360 degrees and the land is plenty. My significant other, J, and I have three children. His, mine and ours. Being a businesswoman and mother sometimes proves difficult but its not at all impossible. Because so many mothers want to work from home but feel there is no way to, I felt it was my life journey to help inspire and coach mothers who want to be in business but also be w
ith their kids. I am a photographer, network marketer, blogger, mother, housewife, college student, and I do it all. It's hard and most nights I do not remember hitting the pillow but I know with work, determination and desire I will achieve the goals I have for my family. Goals of a financially stable future and a great big house! The biggest thing I have is support - good friends and my significant other make everything that I do possible...but I won't cut myself short, I work really, really hard for where I am at, and I am so excited because I am just at the start of my beautiful journey.
    I hope you look forward to seeing my posts and please comment or email with any suggestions, requests or comments...or simply comment below. I will be posting a calender soon, and please be patient as this blog is in its very young, baby development stages!

Stay Successful,
Bea Van Hook